1. SCHOOL TIMES: School hours are 8:30 to 4:00. Sixth grade students meet in the cafeteria starting at 7:45 until the first bell rings at 8:20. Sixth graders can wait in the cafeteria in the morning prior to school start time and report to the first period of the day by the 8:30 bell. All students are dismissed at 4:00 and for liability reasons, students may not remain on the school grounds beyond 4:15 unless with a teacher or club sponsor. Students are on their own to make their way home, get picked up or attend a prearranged after school program. For details, visit the school website here and view the Bell Schedule.
  2. DROP OFF AND PICK UP: Students can be dropped off in the carpool line on Blue Bonnet Blvd prior to school start time and picked up in the same location after school. Lines for pick up form on Braes and Bellefontaine. You can either drop off/pick up or your students can walk to school/home from school or meet after school at an established designated spot.
  3. LUNCH: Lunch lines tend to be long during the first week of school and students are encouraged to bring lunch to avoid long lines during the first week. All 6th graders will sit in their designated 6th grade only section of the cafeteria.

  4. DRESS CODE: All 6th grade students will wear grey shirts/sweatshirts. The PTO Store sells Pershing shirts, but plain light grey shirts (no writing) are acceptable. All students are required to wear their ID badges each day. They will receive their badges on the first day of school. Undershirts are allowed but need to be solid white. Leggings may be either solid black or solid white. All students must wear khaki pants, skirts, or shorts. On Fridays, students may wear their club/team shirts. Cell phones must remain in backpacks.

  5. SCHOOL SUPPLIES: The school store will be open during Panda Camp and during lunch on designated school days. Teachers will send class-specific supply lists home with their students during the first week of school. On the first day of school, students should come prepared with their pencil/pen, paper, and a binder or folder for hand-outs. Lockers are not used.  Students will take their backpacks with them into classes.

  6. SCHEDULES: Student schedules will be handed out to students at Panda Camp. You may submit an online schedule change form to your Assistant Principal. Submitting a schedule change request does not always guarantee a change will be made.

  7. INFORMATION: Pershing school information is distributed to the entire school every week through the Panda Post Newsletter, sponsored by the Pershing PTO. You will receive information in your welcome packet asking for PTO membership/directory information. Class- or grade-specific information or timely school information will be sent home directly with your student. There are also Grade Level specific Facebook sites that can be found on the PTO website.

  8. HOW TO GET INVOLVED AT PERSHING: Look for a welcome packet the first week of school detailing what you need to do to be involved with the PTO and Pershing. Pershing has a very active community and your involvement is welcomed in any way. You can also view opportunities on the Pershing PTO website.

  9. PERSHING ON THE WEB: The Pershing school website is The Pershing PTO website is Both are full of valuable information pertaining to school activities, both school- and PTO-sponsored. There is also a Pershing Athletics website

  10. IMPORTANT CONTACTS: The school Assistant Principals (responsible for schedules) can be found on the Pershing school website.



  • After the first couple of days of school, most teachers/classes will send a list of supplies that will be needed for the classroom.
  • Most parents don’t walk their kids to the classroom on the first day, so it is a good idea to have a friend with whom your child can meet before school and walk to class.
  • Once students start changing for PE (which probably won’t be the first week), they will need a padlock for the gym locker. They use this locker only when they are in gym class and then take their gym clothes with them after class.
  • Have your child practice unlocking their lock several times before school starts.



  • Join the PTO! The money that you spend to join the PTO directly benefits your children in the classroom. Join at whatever level you can afford. The more money we earn as a PTO, the better off we are as a school.
  • Subscribe for the weekly PTO newsletter – The Panda Post – to receive important and timely information.
  • Please remember to get VIPS approved if you are going to volunteer at the school. You must re-register every year.

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