Cyber safety is an important issue as our children utilize a variety of technology and applications on a daily basis. Bellaire High School, Pershing Middle School and Pin Oak Middle School hosted a Cyber Safety seminar in 2021. Below are handouts provided at the event.
Top Ten Tips Parents Cyberbullying Response
Top Ten Tips Educators Cyberbullying Response
Top Ten Tips Educators Cyberbullying Prevention
Top Ten Teen Activities To Educate
Teens Cyberbullying Prevention Activities Tips
Friending Students on Facebook
*Message from Coach Snook
Great news!!! We won again last night. We are 4-0 this season.
- 1st Meet: Pershing v West Briar 650 - 194
- 2nd Meet: Pershing v Rogers 412 - 373
- 3rd Meet: Pershing v Lanier 624 - 335
- 4th Meet: Pershing v Black 538 - 261
Last meet we had 14 best times. Every swimmer scored points. We need everyone to win. Love our team.
Top Scorers (Excluding Relays)
- 16 Points = 1st place in both events - Jack Evans, Alexander Fefer, Alex Mahan, Dean Wells
- 14 Points = 1st place and 2nd place - Zoë Cheng, Barbara Lohmann, Arlene Montoya, Olivia Prouhet, James Rozelle, and Kinsley Sirmans
Remember - HISD Championships is Saturday, February 15.
We have won the last two and are looking to Three-peat. Lets bring home the gold again!
6th Graders - We would love to see you at the HISD Championships. Last year we had a lot of 6th graders come to cheer the team on! Immediately after the Champs we will return to the small gym for a social
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Friday, February 21
- Saturday, February 22
- Tuesday, February 25
- Wednesday, February 26
- Thursday, February 27
- Friday, February 28
- Wednesday, March 5
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 21